WIWSA Member Meeting September 2023 Minutes

Water on Whidbey December 2023

PFAS Updates November -December 2023
US chemical industry likely spent $110m trying to thwart PFAS legislation, study finds | US news | The Guardian US industry disposed of at least 60m pounds of PFAS waste in last five years | PFAS | The Guardian Backlash … Continue reading PFAS Updates November -December 2023

Water on Whidbey November 2023

EPA Restarts Assessment of Health Risks from Nitrate in Water
EPA Restarts Assessment of Health Risks from Nitrate in Water Nitrate is found in groundwater in Island County. Sources include agriculture and septic systems. Continue reading EPA Restarts Assessment of Health Risks from Nitrate in Water
City to study water resiliency with $100k grant
Langley was awarded a $100,000 grant to add a climate element to its comprehensive plan. City to study water resiliency with $100k grant | South Whidbey Record Continue reading City to study water resiliency with $100k grant
Public Water System Settlements
Note: This is not legal advice! If you have legal questions, please consult a lawyer. All public water systems required to test for PFAS in drinking water, in other words all group A water systems, are advised to follow the link below and read the information and take note of the important dates and deadlines. Water systems have until December 4th to submit requests for exclusion from the settlement of the AFFF Multi-District Litigation No. 2873 (“MDL”) with Dupont, and until December 11th with 3M. Aqueous Film-Forming Foam (AFFF) Product Liability Litigation (MDL 2873) – District Court for the District … Continue reading Public Water System Settlements

What a Seattle Times investigation reveals about the poisoned groundwater west of Spokane
Tuesday’s postcard, and what a Seattle Times investigation reveals about the poisoned groundwater west of Spokane (substack.com) Tim Connor with some background on the Seattle Times story on PFAS in drinking water around Spokane. Continue reading What a Seattle Times investigation reveals about the poisoned groundwater west of Spokane

PFAS chemicals linked to thyroid cancer, human data suggests
PFAS chemicals linked to thyroid cancer, human data suggests – The New Lede Continue reading PFAS chemicals linked to thyroid cancer, human data suggests

PFAS is in the groundwater west of Spokane. What’s known about the contamination is only growing.
PFAS is in the groundwater west of Spokane. What’s known about the contamination is only growing. | The Seattle Times Continue reading PFAS is in the groundwater west of Spokane. What’s known about the contamination is only growing.

Water on Whidbey October 2023

Sea water intrusion – it ain’t just salt
‘These levels are crazy’: Louisiana tap water sees huge spike in toxic chemicals | Louisiana | The Guardian Sea water is naturally high in bromide and contains bacteria that require disinfection. The chlorine reacts with bromine for form bromine, which contributes along with the chlorine to disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes (THMs) and haloacetic acids (HAAs). This is what’s happening right now is Louisiana as the combination of drought and rising sea levels has pushed salt water into the Mississippi River. ‘Everything out the faucet is salt’: Louisianans struggle as drinking water crisis persists | Louisiana | The Guardian This … Continue reading Sea water intrusion – it ain’t just salt

‘Forever chemicals’ haven’t gone away.
I took the summer off from PFAS. Did anything change, besides the date? For a year, I worked extensively on PFAS (per- and poly fluorinated alkyl substances, aka ‘Forever Chemicals’) in drinking water, supported by a grant from the Washington State Department of Ecology. At the end of the grant period in June, I decided to take the summer off from PFAS. For a change of pace, I wrote about community and travel. I’m back on the PFAS beat, and I’m curious about what’s changed. Here’s a link to an audio version for those who’d rather have me read it … Continue reading ‘Forever chemicals’ haven’t gone away.
Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach Initiative (ECCOI) Community Member Voluntary Questionnaire
Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach Initiative (ECCOI) Community Member Voluntary Questionnaire Survey (surveymonkey.com) DoD is engaged in an Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach Initiative (ECCOI) to enhance communication with community members and other stakeholders. This questionnaire provides an opportunity for members of the public to voluntarily provide input that will help DoD develop a more cohesive and collaborative approach to communication and engagement between DoD and local communities involved in environmental cleanup activities. Continue reading Environmental Cleanup Communication and Outreach Initiative (ECCOI) Community Member Voluntary Questionnaire

‘Everything out the faucet is salt’: Louisianans struggle as drinking water crisis persists
‘Everything out the faucet is salt’: Louisianans struggle as drinking water crisis persists | Louisiana | The Guardian Continue reading ‘Everything out the faucet is salt’: Louisianans struggle as drinking water crisis persists