WIWSA President’s Message March 2019

Those of us who were born before the so-called “Digital Revolution” still expect to find important data and information about nearly everything printed on paper. Wellllll, that revolution really happened and now we are all working hard to become “computer literate.” When we needed information or data about our water systems, for example, it once required an actual “voyage of discovery” down to Island County Administration, a “get acquainted” chat over the desk, and the patience to delve through records in every stage of decay. Not so anymore! We are indeed fortunate to have access to digital “Navigators” who can … Continue reading WIWSA President’s Message March 2019

GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 19, 2018 — 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM

SNO-ISLE COUPEVILLE LIBRARY 788 NW Alexander Street, COUPEVILLE, WA AGENDA Call to order & Quorum call Member and guest introductions Approve Agenda   Members vote to approve the Agenda (leaving routine “housekeeping” items until after the main presentation). Theme of this meeting:  Availability and content of Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training – Presented by Chief H. L. “Rusty” Palmer, South Whidbey Fire and EMS. “Pass the word!”:  1. Dates for Quarterly Membership Meetings in 2019 at Coupeville Library; 2. Plan for bringing AWWA one-day workshops to Whidbey Island; 3. Availability of USDA Loan & Grant Program; 4. Reintroduction of Jennifer … Continue reading GENERAL MEMBERSHIP MEETING December 19, 2018 — 5:00 PM TO 7:00 PM


I would be surprised if any of our members missed the news about the earthquake near Anchorage …. and even more surprised if any of our members failed to “make the connection” to our geologically precarious situation here on Whidbey Island.  The experts have warned us about our proximity to the Cascadia Fault nearby under the Pacific Ocean …… not to mention the Juan De Fuca Fault which is right under us!  This week’s Anchorage quake would be a “slap on the wrist” compared to the magnitude of the shaker that we might experience at any time. Over the last … Continue reading WIWSA PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE December 2018

Preparing for Disaster: Earthquakes on Whidbey

Earthquakes strike suddenly, without warning, and they can occur at any time of the year, day or night. Seismologists agree that it’s not a question of if, but when our area might experience a significant earthquake. As a small rural community, it’s important everyone understands the dangers, how to prepare, and what to do in an emergency. Please take the time to watch this WhidbeyTV Local production of a recent workshop hosted by Fire Chief Rusty Palmer. He explains what the specific dangers are to Whidbey Island residents and what you can do to be prepared for such a disaster. … Continue reading Preparing for Disaster: Earthquakes on Whidbey