City of Langley is hiring a Maintenance Laborer
Full details in this job posting: Employment Opportunities in Langley (langleywa.org) Continue reading City of Langley is hiring a Maintenance Laborer
Maine is Only Beginning to Grapple With the PFAS Crisis | Down East Magazine
https://downeast.com/land-wildlife/maine-is-only-beginning-to-grapple-with-the-toxic-legacy-of-forever-chemicals/ Continue reading Maine is Only Beginning to Grapple With the PFAS Crisis | Down East Magazine
Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
Camp Lejeune Water Contamination | Toxic Chemicals & Diseases (consumernotice.org) On-base leaks and spills, as well as an off-base business mishandling chemicals, led to water contamination at the Tarawa Terrace and Hadnot Point water treatment plants at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune. Trichlorethylene (TCE), perchloroethylene (PCE), benzene and vinyl chloride were all detected. Continue reading Camp Lejeune Water Contamination
Water Contamination Information from ConsumerNotice.org
Water Contamination | Health Risks and Safe Remedies (consumernotice.org) Safe drinking water is a critical component of human life, but pollution threatens many of our water supplies. Agriculture is one of the key causes of water pollution. Industrial activities, overflowing sewers and naturally occurring substances can also contaminate our drinking water. Knowing the signs of water contamination will help you take actions that will keep you and your family safe. Includes information on PFAS Continue reading Water Contamination Information from ConsumerNotice.org
EPA Warns of Health Problems When PFAS Levels in Drinking Water Are Inconceivably Tiny
“For members of the general public who are attuned to drinking water contaminants, the EPA announcement is raising concerns, according to John Lovie, president of the Whidbey Island Water Systems Association. Located in Washington state, the association counts about 100 water systems as members, which range in size from several thousand customers to just three or four.” Continue reading EPA Warns of Health Problems When PFAS Levels in Drinking Water Are Inconceivably Tiny
EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder
EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder (mailchi.mp) Continue reading EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder
Oregon county declares emergency over water contamination
Officials in an Oregon county along the Columbia River have declared a state of emergency after private well testing showed high levels of nitrate contamination. https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/oregon-county-declares-emergency-over-water-contamination/ Continue reading Oregon county declares emergency over water contamination
3M Hid Its Toxic Chemical Contamination in Belgium for Over a Decade
3M Hid Its Toxic Chemical Contamination in Belgium for Over a Decade https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-3m-pfas-toxic-forever-chemicals-europe/?ll_push_args={%22utm_source%22:%22push%22,%22utm_medium%22:%22notification%22} Continue reading 3M Hid Its Toxic Chemical Contamination in Belgium for Over a Decade
June Quarterly Membership Meeting Agenda
March 2022 Quarterly Meeting Minutes
LA Times Editorial: Too many new straws in California’s groundwater milkshake
Editorial: Too many new straws in California’s groundwater milkshake https://www.latimes.com/opinion/story/2022-06-08/la-ed-california-groundwater-depletion Continue reading LA Times Editorial: Too many new straws in California’s groundwater milkshake
Water on Whidbey June 2022
‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/01/chiles-water-crisis-megadrought-reaching-breaking-point?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Continue reading ‘Consequences will be dire’: Chile’s water crisis is reaching breaking point
Salt, the Great Chemical Threat | Hakai Magazine
https://hakaimagazine.com/article-short/salt-the-great-chemical-threat/ Continue reading Salt, the Great Chemical Threat | Hakai Magazine
Study finds new link between lead in private waters wells and juvenile delinquency | Environmental Working Group
https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/news/2022/04/study-finds-new-link-between-lead-private-waters-wells-and-juvenile Continue reading Study finds new link between lead in private waters wells and juvenile delinquency | Environmental Working Group