EPA Drinking Water Workshop

EPA Drinking Water WorkshopThe annual workshop is going online this year and is open to the public. Held September 1 to 3, the workshop brings together academics, federal researchers, state officials, and others involved in drinking water treatment and regulation. There will be sessions on all the big questions of the day: PFAS, lead, pathogens in distribution systems, water access on the Navajo Nation during Covid-19, small system challenges. (Courtesy Circle of Blue) Continue reading EPA Drinking Water Workshop

Google Earth Mapping and Asset Management from RCAC

WhenAugust 4, 2020 • 10:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m. (PST)Online 0.4 WA DW Continuing Education UnitsThis course Google Earth Mapping and Asset Management Workshop is now offered as an online two-part series. Part 1 will take place from 10:00am to 12:00pm and Part 2 will take place from 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Please follow the link below to register. Participants must attend both sessions to earn CEUs.Participants should download and install the free Google Earth Pro software prior to the class (google.com/earth/) Morning Session:Mapping a utility’s assets can greatly assist with developing an asset management plan.Participants will receive a step-by-step tutorial on … Continue reading Google Earth Mapping and Asset Management from RCAC

Sustainable Financial Management Planning for Water Utilities Webinar

Sustainable Financial Management Planning for Water Utilities Webinar Communities across the country range in abilities to successfully navigate financial options for drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. The process of accessing funding and financing can be a barrier to investing in water infrastructure, especially for resource-constrained and smaller communities. These water sector investments can be crucial to supporting local jobs and protecting public health in the community. State-level funders and philanthropic foundations have a unique opportunity to revitalize water infrastructure in communities needing it most. With these public and private funds working together, critical funding gaps in the water sector … Continue reading Sustainable Financial Management Planning for Water Utilities Webinar

WIWSA Emergency Preparedness Workshop – Coupeville

http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=jub5msiab&oeidk=a07egmg0l5o932f8450 2019 Emergency Prearedness Workshop in Coupeville WA Friday October 25th starting at 8:00 AM at the Coupeville Recreation Hall, Coupeville WA A one-day presentation that provides a basic understanding of emergency preparedness, and the response of water and wastewater utilities in the event of emergencies and disasters. Asessing risks, planning, and preparedness will lead to utilities that function better in emergencies and are better able to maintain service and water quality. Topics include: Water utility emergencies Emergency case studies Emergency Action Plans Risk & resilience Incident command system Public outreach during emergencies Business and operations continuity Water/Wastewater Agency Response … Continue reading WIWSA Emergency Preparedness Workshop – Coupeville

Chlorine Residual Testing and Lab Skills Workshop

Attend these 3.5 hour workshops for chlorine residual testing.  Each class will provide drinking water operators with a better understanding of good lab skills and chlorine measurement techniques and why they matter. It will provide operators with hands on skills to answer the questions: How do I know my instrument is working? How do I know that the residual that I measure is real? How good is my technique? http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?llr=jub5msiab&oeidk=a07egefx7we6d6ab188 Continue reading Chlorine Residual Testing and Lab Skills Workshop

2019 Basic Waterworks Workshop in Coupeville WA

Tuesday April 16th starting at 8:00 AM at the Coupeville Recreation Hall, Coupeville WA In partnership with the Whidbey Island Water Systems Association When Tuesday, April 16, 2019 from 8:00 AM to 3:45 PM PDTAdd to Calendar Where Coupeville Recreation Hall901 NW Alexander StCoupeville, WA 98239   Driving Directions Contact Jeff LundtNorthwest Washington Subsection AWWA2064775582jeff.lundt@kingcounty.gov A one-day presentation of some of the basic elements, terminology, regulations and concepts involved in operating a water utility.  This workshop is aimed at new frontline employees, office staff and others who would benefit from an understanding of the basic concepts and terminology used in the water supply … Continue reading 2019 Basic Waterworks Workshop in Coupeville WA