EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder
EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder (mailchi.mp) Continue reading EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder
EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder (mailchi.mp) Continue reading EPA PFAS & Drinking Water Webinar Reminder
3M Hid Its Toxic Chemical Contamination in Belgium for Over a Decade https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2022-3m-pfas-toxic-forever-chemicals-europe/?ll_push_args={%22utm_source%22:%22push%22,%22utm_medium%22:%22notification%22} Continue reading 3M Hid Its Toxic Chemical Contamination in Belgium for Over a Decade
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/12/maine-bans-sewage-sludge-fertilizer-farms-pfas-poisoning?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Continue reading Maine bans use of sewage sludge on farms to reduce risk of PFAS poisoning
https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2022/may/01/pfas-forever-chemicals-rob-bilott-lawyer-interview?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other Continue reading ‘A worldwide public health threat’: Rob Bilott on his 20-year fight against forever chemicals
https://www.southwhidbeyrecord.com/news/nas-whidbey-has-spent-24m-on-pfas-contamination/ Continue reading NAS Whidbey has spent $24m on PFAS contamination | South Whidbey Record
UCMR5 to Require PFAS Testing | NRWA Continue reading UCMR5 to Require PFAS Testing
https://www.ewg.org/news-insights/statement/2021/12/congressional-defense-bill-tackles-forever-chemicals-funding-boost Continue reading Congressional defense bill tackles ‘forever chemicals’ with funding boost, policy reforms – EWG
See where PFAS pollution has been confirmed in the West (‘Forever chemicals’) — High Country News – Know the West (hcn.org) Continue reading See where PFAS pollution has been confirmed in the West
PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitments to Action 2021-2024 | US EPA On October 18, 2021, EPA Administrator Michael S. Regan announced the agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap—laying out a whole-of-agency approach to addressing PFAS. The roadmap sets timelines by which EPA plans to take specific actions and commits to bolder new policies to safeguard public health, protect the environment, and hold polluters accountable. The actions described in the PFAS Roadmap each represent important and meaningful steps to safeguard communities from PFAS contamination. Cumulatively, these actions will build upon one another and lead to more enduring and protective solutions. Read an overview … Continue reading PFAS Strategic Roadmap: EPA’s Commitments to Action 2021-2024
The board will accept oral testimony at the virtual public hearing on October 13, 2021 at 1:30 PM. Oral testimony will be given the same consideration as written comments received by September 3, 2021. Register for the October 13, 2021, 1:30 PM virtual board meeting* and the public hearing for both rules at the following link: us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KVff1ReLToOu6mTS_GHpjg. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please note the meeting starts at 9:30 a.m. and the PFAS rules hearing starts at 1:30 p.m. Continue reading State Board of Health hosting Virtual Public Meeting on PFAS rulemaking October 13, 2021
Washington State Department of Health Office of Drinking Water We are inviting you to a PFAS and Lab Rule informational Zoom meeting. Please join DOH’s Mike Means and Barb Morrissey for a virtual, informational presentation on the PFAS Group A rule change (chapter 246-290 WAC) and Lab rule change (chapter 246-390 WAC). The first hour is a presentation about the rules; the second hour staff will answer questions about proposed changes. Please note: This meeting is informational only, we will not accept comments on the proposed rule language at this meeting. We hope you will join us! Time: Monday, August 30, 2021, at 8:00 AM Join … Continue reading DOH Office of Drinking Water is inviting you to a PFAS and Lab Rule informational Zoom meeting.
Public Comment Period August 4–September 3, 2021 In response to a petition received by the State Board of Health (board) to address per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in drinking water, the board is proposing revisions to chapter 246-290 WAC, Group A public water supplies (Group A rule). In addition, the board is proposing revisions to the companion rule, chapter 246-390 WAC, Drinking water laboratory certification and data reporting rule (Lab rule). Rulemaking Activities, Office of Drinking Water :: Washington State Department of Health Continue reading Rulemaking Activities—Office of Drinking Water
Washington S-0160.2 Senate Joint Memorial 8001 was read before the Environment committee on Jan 26, 2021. While this bill asks the federal government to assist in PFAS remediation, it contains a paragraph attempting to foreclose on the establishment of cleanup standards for PFAS. The board of WIWSA wrote to the committee chair requesting that the bill not be advanced out of committee and that the PFAS Chemical Action Plan team be allowed to complete their work and make recommendations without prior prejudice. The full test of the bill and of the board’s letter can be found below. Continue reading PFAS in the legislature
PFAS Chemical Action Plan stakeholders, The Chemical Action Plan (CAP) team is extending the public comment period on the Draft PFAS CAP until January 4, 2021. We received stakeholder feedback that additional time to review would be beneficial for providing meaningful input. We recognize the immense challenges that Washington state residents and businesses have faced since spring 2020. This will allow the public and stakeholders an additional month to consider the Draft CAP and provide feedback, without significantly extending the Final CAP timeline. Find more information on the PFAS CAP website. If you have questions, please reach out to Irina … Continue reading Draft PFAS CAP Comment Period Extended to January 4, 2021
If you would like to provide feedback on the Draft PFAS Chemical Action Plan (CAP) during a public comment meeting, please register for your preferred date and time: Wednesday, November 18 at 6 p.m. PST Thursday, November 19 at 2 p.m. PST Ecology staff will provide a brief overview of the CAP development process and then reserve most of the time to accept comments. Please note that we plan to record the public comments. Reach out to Ecology’s Chemical Action Planner, Irina Makarow (irina.makarow@ecy.wa.gov), if you have questions. Thank you, PFAS Chemical Action Plan team Continue reading Share input on the Draft CAP at public meetings Nov. 18 and 19