Washington State
Department of Health
Office of Drinking Water
Hello Drinking Water Partners:
We all know that water is essential, reliable, and invaluable. Without water our communities would not thrive. Most of your customers don’t think about what happens behind the scenes when they turn on the tap. You do. You know that the infrastructure you’re in charge of is vulnerable to aging, vandalism, and natural disasters.
October 21 is national Imagine A Day Without Water. We encourage you to participate through social media posts, a news release article, or any other way you can think of.
We have free graphics and bill stuffers you can print yourself or order from us for free on our Water System Marketing Resources webpage.
Our DWSRF webpage offers information on funding and loan cycles, emergency loan information, and asset management training. You can also learn about successful projects on our DWSRF Profiles webpage.
We all know that safe water runs on sustainable infrastructure. Sustainable infrastructure depends on the public’s belief in the safety of our tap water. We can’t have one without the other.
Kay Rottell