We are making the recordings of the member’s meeting available for viewing. Please note that the videos start about 5 to 10m before the actual meeting begins. You can fast forward to get to the start of the meeting.
Meeting Recording (video), Agenda & Minutes
Our Q1 Member Meeting was held in March with 45 participants attending by zoom and featuring sessions on SMA Service Levels with NW Natural/King Water and a recap of A Day with DOH held earlier the same week from the Office of Drinking Water.
Silas Olson gave a review of the NW Natural acquisition of King Water and talked about some of the developments during the past year. Already there have been extensive improvements to both the office administration and operations as part of a move to a new location that is underway. They are attempting to respond to communications issues and described changes that are being made. Several members expressed appreciation of recent service actions and that improvements have been noticed.
Alexis Medina from the DOH Office of Drinking Water presented at the Q1 Member’s Meeting, recapping the annual A Day with DOH hosted by PNW/AWWA on March 20, 2024. Alexis summarized each of the topics which you can review at Day with DOH Agenda and you’ll find copies of some of the presentations here.
During Alexis’ talk, she mentioned a number of references that may be of interest:
- Source Water Protection Grant Program
- Lead Service Line Inventory Guidance
- Manganese in DW – What Customers Should Know
- Manganese in DW – Recommendations for WS Managers
- Manganese Health Advisory Above 0.3 mg/L: Manganese Health Advisory.
- Micheal Pan with the City of Bellevue’s Contact Info regarding BWA door hangers / sandwich board templates: mcpan@bellevuewa.gov