Proposed Bylaw Changes

The Board of Whidbey Island Water Systems Association would like to make some changes to our bylaws. We will be asking the membership to vote on these changes at the Annual Meeting on December 15th, 2022. Please take a moment to review these changes and send any comments to mail(at)

Key Changes

  • We propose opening full voting membership to private well owners and to associate members. This better reflects participation in our meetings.
  • We propose increasing the number of directors to nine. This will give the board more capacity to handle the workload and make sure that all classes of members can be represented.

There are several corrections of spelling, punctuation, grammar, and formatting.

The key changes are shown immediately below. Deleted text is struck out. New text is underlined. Full copies of the current and proposed bylaws are linked below that.

ARTICLE IV Membership

SECTION 1. Membership Classes.

A.   Purveyor.  A purveyor shall be a member who supplies water to two one or more Whidbey Island residences and will have full privileges, including one vote.

B.   Non-purveyor.  A non-purveyor shall be a member who is a single well owner and will have full privileges with no vote.

CB.   Associate.  An associate shall consist of those who have water interests other than purveyor.   They may consist of water manager, water testing laboratories, water equipment suppliers/manufactures, well drillers, septic system installers/plumbers/designers and individuals associated with government agencies. Associate members shall have full privileges with no vote.

ARTICLE VII Board of Directors

SECTION 1. Election of Directors.   At the initial meeting of the Association, after incorporation, all Directors will be elected as follows:

  1. Two directors shall be elected for a one-year term,
  2. Two directors shall be elected for a two-year term,
  3. One director shall be elected to a three-year term.

At the December 2022 Annual Meeting of the Association, the total number of Directors will be increased to nine (9) effective January 1, 2023. The Board of Directors will appoint directors to fill the vacancies so created as provided for in Article VII, Board of Directors, Section 10, Vacancies:

  1. One additional director shall be appointed for a one-year term,
  2. One additional director shall be appointed for a two-year term,
  3. Two additional directors shall be appointed for a three-year term.

Current Bylaws

Proposed Bylaws