Washington State
Department of Health Office of Drinking Water
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Construction Loan The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program will accept Construction Loan applications October 1 to November 30. A DWSRF Fact Sheet with more program information is attached. Submit application using the DWSRF on-line system, WALT. The program guidelines, application worksheet, EZ-1 Form, and WALT Users Guide are available on the DWSRF Webpage. NOTE: Pre-registration is required to access WALT. If you’re already in the WALT system, no action is needed. For WALT Pre-registration, please email dwsrf@doh.wa.gov. Join us for an informational MS Teams meeting on the Construction Loan program September 22, 10 AM to noon. The MS Teams meeting link is available on the DWSRF Webpage. Please forward this email to anyone who may be interested. Any questions or concerns, email DWSRF@doh.wa.gov. |