Member Meeting
June 17, 2021 – 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Via Zoom
Call to order Board and guest introductions
Quorum call At least one-fifth of membership present
Approve Agenda Members vote to approve the agenda
Secretary’s Report: Randi Perry will present the Minutes for the March 2021 General Membership Meeting. Members vote to approve the Minutes.
Treasurer’s Report: Bethel Hart will present the Treasurer’s Report. Members vote to approve the Treasurer’s Report.
Bethel Hart will present an update on billing and payment options
Announcements: Update on the apprenticeship/scholarship program
Additional help on Asset Management
Next meetings
Theme of this Meeting: Water System Organization
This quarter’s topic is a panel discussion on the different ways in which water systems are governed. We’ll discuss the pros and cons of each type, covering operation and maintenance, governance, rate setting and opportunities for customer involvement.
Our guest panelists – in no particular order – are:
Joe Grogan, Town of Coupeville, municipal
Bethel Hart, Bayview Meadows, HOA
Reg Hearn, Grays Harbor Co. Water District #2, water district,
Jeff Johnson, Regional Water Cooperative of Pierce County, mutual cooperative,
Bob Hunter, Kitsap PUD, PUDs
Barbara Summers, Cascadia Water, investor owned utility and some new ideas
Jennifer Kropack will be sharing the DOH perspective
John Lovie – Moderator
Floor open for general discussion