Wednesday, October 28, 2020 at 8:00 AM PDT
Wednesday, November 4, 2020 at 12:00 PM PST
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Jeff Lundt
Washington WARN
2020 Emergency Preparedness Workshop – Online
Part 1 Planning – Wednesday October 28th
Part 2 Preparation, Training & Response – Wednesday November 4th
Both workshops start at 8:00 AM PDT and run till 11:45
These are independent sessions you can sign up for either or both and get 0.3 CEU credit
Water & Wastewater CEU Approved!
Two half-day presentations that provides a basic understanding of emergency preparedness, and the response of water and wastewater utilities in the event of emergencies and disasters. Assessing risks, planning and preparedness will lead to utilities that function better in emergencies, work more efficiently to restore service to customers and are better able to maintain service and water quality.
Part 1 – Planning will include:
- Water Utility Emergencies
- Emergency Case Studies
- Emergency Action Plan
- Risk & Resilience
- Water & Wastewater Agency Response Networks
- Business & Operational Continuity
Part 2 – Preparation, Training & Response will include:
- Incident command system
- Public Outreach During Emergencies
- Tabletop & Field Exercises, Other Training
- Personal Preparedness
- Facility Security
- Cyber Security
Planned instructors include:
Tom Vane – Alderwood Water & Wastewater District
Sarah Lingley. – HDR Engineers
Seth McIntosh – City of Spokane
Jeff Lundt P.E. – King County WTD
0.3 CEUs Water & Wastewater CEU (pending) for each part
Cost for each session is $60 for AWWA & WEF members and $120 for non-members. If you or your utility are AWWA, WEF or PNCWA members you qualify for member rates.
Workshops run from 8:00 AM to 11:45 AM PDT each day.
Register Now!
Scholarships for small utilities and students – To encourage participation from small utilities (<500 connections) two scholarships for small system operators are available. To receive the small system scholarship, please register and pay the registration fee. Indicate on the form the name of your utility and number of connections. If your registration is one of the first two received, your registration fee will be refunded following completion of the workshop. Receipt of your payment marks your spot in line for the limited number of scholarships. First Come – First Served.
Cancellation Policy – If a registrant is unable to attend the workshop and a substitute within the organization can attend, please contact Jeff Lundt at jeff.lundt@kingcounty.gov to update the information. If unable to attend or send a substitute contact the above at least one week before the workshop for a refund (minus a $10 processing fee). Refunds after that time will not be given.
If the workshop is cancelled due to lack of registration or another reason, full refunds will be given.
Please note that the on-line registration system requires a unique email address for each registrant. If you do not have a work or home email call Jeff Lundt (206/477-5582) for a work-around.